Monday, 6 February 2012

PTC’s Gunsmithing Technology students learn from notable alum, Kevin Muramatsu

Kevin Muramatsu graduated from PTC in 2007, having earned both the Gun Repair Certificate and the Advanced Gunsmithing Diploma, and now, Muramatsu revises the textbooks that today's students use.

Muramatsu says he is fascinated by the inner workings of the ‘tools’ (guns) and also the art of being a good and consistent shooter. Muramatsu also claims the reason why many people may have not discovered the shooting sports is because they don’t have enough information about guns and shooting and may not know where to turn to for the right start.

“There are basic, easily-taught concepts such as safety, recoil management, and competitive opportunities,” Muramatsu says. “The first gun a youngster – or any beginner – shoots should not be a .44 Mag, or a .30-06. Gun safety is simple, but absolutely necessary, and the repetitive efforts in ensuring it bring confidence,” Muramatsu adds.

Muramatsu is an NRA-certified instructor, teaches carry/permit classes, and is a lead instructor at the School of Outdoor Sports in Woodbury, Minn.

Photo: PTC Gunsmithing Technology student Marcus Lhotka studies the GunDigest® Book of Rimfire Rifles, revised by Muramatsu.

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