Saturday, 24 March 2012

Best Online MBA Programs

In addition, the online program for MBA distance education program known as, are becoming increasingly popular. This virtual classroom is the result of advances in technology that can be carried out at the level of reality closer to the classroom of primarily brick and mortar. In addition, the university as an online MBA program offers a good reputation Babson Carnegie Mellon University, Duke and such need to worry about your reputation online degree is not available. As long as you choose a program with the University for its validity and reputation carefully, your online MBA, MBA of any full-time, sometimes as many as possible will have a further influence.

The following is a list of seven best online MBA programs offered by universities around the world. List has been done by examining the ranking from Business Week publications, such as economists such

    General management program of the Curtin Business School, in the ranking of distance MBA program has been ranked in the top-level program in the Financial Times. It is not a fully online course - you need to get 70% of the test to your location. This requirement is made to ensure that it is not uncommon, students are quite seriously take the exam. One is the best course of professional courses and management of oil and gas from another university.

    Babson Fast Track MBA program at the University of general management is one of the most popular programs online. This program, in addition to (AACSB), has been certified to the association to advance Collegiate School of Business and EQUIS. Test all of course because this is done online, this can be called 100% online courses.

    ISEAD, you can take the MBA program of its three year long distance, but from anywhere ISEAD are located in Spain. If Spanish is your native language, this school is specially suited. Cost of the program for non-resident students is $ 12,000 USD.

    RMIT online Executive MBA program of general management program is one of the top five in the list of Financial Times. The average time taken to complete this program is three years.

    Many of the full-time program from a school in this Spanish IE Business School, you will find a mention in the world rankings. This school provides an online program called English class and having an intensity of 65 global MBA class, students are also, it is recommended that you participate in the event of social integration Shanghai, London, Madrid, New York .

    Online MBA program at the University of Walden, in 2255 students enrolled in the year 2011 from fiscal year 2010, is one of the largest online program. Walden University is itself part of a network of online university, has a very good reputation.

    Warwick Business School from the UK, has an online MBA program of the two. Warwick MBA is, if you want to get the MBA in general, you should have by looking for distance education programs. This program has become one of the most popular programs in the world, has been certified to AACSB EQUIS, and AMBA.

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