Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Play "PTC Breakout!"

Pine Technical College and the Johnson Center for Simulation (JCS) have teamed up to bring fun, new games to the PTC website. "PTC Breakout," the first game developed by PTC and JCS staff is a hit with PTC students. The game is available now through the end of March, until "PTC Collapse" takes its place.

"We've developed a lineup of fun PTC-themed games that will be featured regularly on our website," says Dani Chandonnet, PTC Director of Marketing and Admissions. "The games are simple and fun, and they get website visitors involved in the PTC brand."

The lineup of games for the rest of the year includes PTC Breakout, PTC Collapse, PTC Word Search, and possibly a version of PTC Tetris -- each game debuting about every three months.

"This kind of project is right up our alley," says Brandon Schapekahm, Digital Artist with the Johnson Center for Simulation. "While we specialize in simulations and serious game development, this is exciting and one of our more fun projects."

JCS was founded in 2000 as part of a regional project to extend East Central Minnesota's technology infrastructure and services and is housed at PTC. The company has 10 projects completed and 35 in planning or under development. Their current projects include scenario and procedural training applications, military immersive simulations and game development.

Image: Snapshot of "PTC Breakout," a new computer game offered online at www.pinetech.edu.

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