Monday, 11 January 2010

Spring semester enrollment shows increase of 60 percent in just three years

At the start of Pine Technical College’s spring semester, new enrollment figures show a 60 percent increase in student headcount compared to the same time in Jan. 2007 – just three years ago. The college’s classrooms, halls, lockers and parking lot are filled to capacity this semester – something the college has not experienced until now.

"Classes are full with waiting lists, all the lockers are taken, students are struggling to find parking, and Fridays – a typically slower day on campus – are just as busy as Mondays," says Nancy Mach, PTC Dean of Student Affairs.

Each of the 32 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities experienced a spike in enrollment in recent semesters, due to a mix of many factors, mostly attributed to the economic downturn. Research shows during a recession, college and university enrollment increases. However, Pine Technical College experienced the largest percentage of enrollment increase in Aug. 2009 – the fall semester. At that time, PTC’s enrollment had increased by 19 percent just in one year. Today, the college stands with a headcount of 846 students, compared to an average yearly enrollment of 540 to 600. It is predicted PTC will again show the largest spike in enrollment for the spring 2010 semester, but final numbers will be reported after the initial flurry of Add/Drop Week, after Jan. 15.

The college has initiated a Facilities Master Plan Committee to develop a more long-term plan for the college with more classroom and office space. The committee unveiled several draft plans at the college’s spring in-service, and all versions were received warmly. All versions depicted at least one more building on campus, an expanded Continuing Education and Customized Training facility and more parking.

"We will break the milestone of having a 1,000 student headcount very soon," says PTC President Robert Musgrove. "The Facilities Master Plan Committee is working hard to design a campus that will accommodate this growth and more. It’s definitely an exciting, growing time for the college."

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